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Adopted By Aliens Links and Resources:

Wikipedia: The Internet Encyclopedia - http://wikipedia.org/

Keyframe: The Animation Resource - http://www.keyframeonline.com


Toonarific - http://toonarific.com

Toon Talents - http://www.toontalents.com/gibbssisters.htm

Black Cartoons: African Americans in Animation: http://blackcartoons.tripod.com

Graffiti Verite's Hip Hop Reviews - http://graffitiverite.com/

Search Urban: http://www.msoyonline.com/

Looksmart: Online Cartoons for Kids - http://looksmart.com/


Friends of Lulu: Women Doing Comics- http://www.friends-lulu.org/wdc.html


Kid Info: Cartoons/Comics - http://www.kidinfo.com/


Toon Zone - http://www.toonzone.net

Net Nanny: Online Cartoons for Kids - http://search.netnanny.com/

Skaffe's Humor and Fun Cartoons - http://www.skaffe.com/

Gigi Inc. Los Angeles' Source for Entertainment - http://www.gigiinc.net/


Sites for Sore Eyes (Artists we like):

Aaron McGruder's The Boondocks - http://www.theboondockstv.com/

The Love Brothers & Gettosake - http://www.gettosake.com

Nomadic Alternatives - http://www.nomadicalternatives.com/

K'naan: The Dusty Foot Philosopher - http://www.thedustyfoot.com/

Backdoor Films - http://www.backdoorfilms.com

Annika Bergstrom - http://www.inniki.com/

Arie Dee Monroe - http://mainasha.deviantart.com/

Soul Sides - http://www.soul-sides.com



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